In this case you may be using a very old version of lcd4linux.
mine says:
merlin.merlin.local:~ # lcd4linux -l
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-1092
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The LCD4Linux Team <lcd4linux-***>
available display drivers:
[lots of stuff deleted]
available plugins:
cfg, math, string, test, time, apm, asterisk, button_exec, cpuinfo, dbus, diskstats, dvb, exec, event, fifo, file,
hddtemp, huawei, i2c_sensors, iconv, imon, isdn, kvv, loadavg, meminfo, mpris_dbus, netdev, netinfo, pop3, ppp,
proc_stat, sample, seti, statfs, uname, uptime, w1retap, xmms
Which version do you use? (LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-1092?)
Post by Stojcsics ZsoltThe 'lcd4linux -l' command show only the supported displays.
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